Our civilization runs on software,” says Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of the C++
programming language (see “The Problem with Programming”). But the software itself doesn’t run very well. Everywhere you look, software is over budget, behind schedule, insecure, unreliable, and hard to use. Anytime an organization attempts to introduce a new system, or upgrade an old one, it takes a colossal risk; today, large information-technology projects are technological tar pits that immobilize institutions. Studies regularly report that two-thirds of such projects encounter major delays, significant cost overruns, or both. The U.S. government has found it nearly impossible to introduce or upgrade large-scale software systems
1) Beh la conclusione rispetto la nostra civiltà direi che è evidente
2) Ragazzi del Software, non stiamo facendo un buon lavoro… qua bisogna smetterla di definirsi “Software Architect” (ci metti un “Architect” e questi sono i risultati) ed iniziare a lavorare da Software Engineer.
Sei un genio…
Se le architette ce la dessero di più smetteremmo di complicare inutilmente le cose…
Carmine, sei tu il genio. Sai andare all’essenza delle cose.